"Workplace expectations"



Neatness, accuracy, and creativity.


In most cases student's digital assignments are graded on a scale of 0-5. General criteria for each are listed below:

0 Project is missing
1 Project demonstrates little or no effort or is unacceptably incomplete.
2 Project demonstrates minimum level of accomplishment and does not satisfy requirements
3 Project demonstrates average level of accomplishment, may or may not satisfy requirements.
4 Project demonstrates above average level of accomplishment, satisfies most of the requirements.
5 Work demonstrates superior level of accomplishment and satisfies requirements.


*This is the point value can modified for larger assignments or projects.



Re Do Policy

All assignments may be redone for a higher grade

Because of the redo policy and availability of computers, all work submitted is expected to have perfect spelling and grammar.


Incomplete Policy

The computer lab is open in the morning, at lunch, and in many cases after school. Students who fall behind in class work have the opportunity to make up work during these times. Because of the lab availability incomplete grades will be given on a teacher determined case by case basis. Reasons an Incomplete grade may be given: Students miss school due to family emergencies, medical emergencies, prolonged illness. Incompletes will not be given to compensate for student lack of effort or general laziness.