Sticker design class uses Cut Studio program to design stickers.

Photoshop is a Raster based program, similar to paint, where you turn on and off pixels. raster


Cut Studio is a vector based program.

In Cut Studio there are no pixels. Vector means a line is drawn between established points. Points (referred to in this program as nodes) can create a line, a curve of varying degree, angles, or a combination of all of these.

Points, (or nodes) occur at the beginning and at the end of a line. They also occur in the middle of the line to establish line direction and cruves radius.

Handles are the extensions of nodes which can be used to alter line direction, angle degree, or curve degrees.

Lines (also known as paths, or polylines) can be open paths or closed paths. Open paths can be connected, objects can be grouped, and aligned.

Polyines are drawn lines or curves. Objects and text are shapes, but can be converted to polylines. Objects must be polylines to be grouped or joined.

Shapes can be created, which start as objects. They can be turned into lines (converted to polylines) joined with other shapes and altered in a variety of ways.

Text starts as an object but can be converted to a Polyline for further modifications.

Images can be imported in the form of jpg's. The imported image can not be altered, but can be sized and used as a guide to trace in the creation of designs.