30-second Business Pitch

Business Plan

This will be an exercise to help you focus your business idea. You will give a 30-second pitch on your business idea.

How to Create an Elevator Speech

Read the article How to Create an Elevator Speech. In your pitch, you need to include the following:

  1. The problem your company solves
  2. Your target market
  3. Your solution
  4. The value you offer
  5. Your experience
  6. Your goal

Please note: I realize you may not know all the details to the things listed above – that's the point. The goal of this 30-second pitch is to get you to think about your proposed business in these terms.

Write Your 30-second Pitch

In a new Word document, write a script for your 30-second business pitch.

Upload via the Synergy dropbox.

You will give your 30-second pitch on Friday

Pitch Order

  1. Nate F.
  2. Hunter H.
  3. Kyle W.
  4. Willow
  5. Peyton
  6. Hunter F.
  7. Trent S.
  8. Nathan S.
  9. Michael M.
  10. Tim A.
  11. Tahleena C.
  12. Jantz T.
  13. Mitch G.
  14. Rachelle Q.
  15. Carter D.
  16. Olivia S.
  17. McKenna L.
  18. Colby P.
  19. Ritchey
  20. Gabe M.
  21. Dylan R.
  22. Devin G.
  23. Noah M.
  24. Macayla H.
  25. Bowen G.
  26. Ridout
  27. Jared B.
  28. Parker L.
  29. Kyle M.