Product or Service Mix

Business Plan

The Product Service Mix details the list of products and/or services your business offers. The "mix" part of the equation describes the products and/or services in more detail. For example, if your business sells athletic shoes, the product mix describes the brands, types, colors, and sizes of shoes you sell.

As always, make sure you use paranthetical citations where necessary.

Product Mix Graphic

Writing the Product Service Mix

Introduction Paragraph


In the body area, you will want to set up the formatting to work with the amount of products or services you offer. You can

Describe your Product Service Mix using the terminology from below. The more products or services you have, the less detail you will be able to provide. Give details of the major products and then you can list examples of more minor products.

  1. Product Line: A number of products grouped together based on similar characteristics(example: Samsung's mobile phones are divided into product lines based on the following features; touch screens, slider/folders, QWERTY keyboards.)
  2. Product Width: Product width is the focus a business has when it carries or produces several different product lines. For example, Foot Locker has good product width because they carry Nike, Adidas, Reebok, and Converse
  3. Product Length: Product depth exists when a business sells or produces many products within the same product line. For example, Ford trucks have considerable product depth with standard cabs, extended cabs, club cabs, short box, long box, half ton, three quarter ton, one ton, blue, red, white, green, F150, F250, F350
  4. Product Item: Product items may be defined by such things as model, size, color, or brand
Product Mix Graphic 3


Conclude the section by emphasizing the strength of your Product Service Mix.  Use one of the conclusion strategies – Simple Summary/Frame or Circle/Proposal or Call to Action


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