Career Interest Survey

Career Path

Finding the Right Path for You

Complete the Career Interest Check List from Wisconsin's Technical College

Make an Infographic

Look at the list of questions below.

  1. Do you tend to be more artistic, social, enterprising, or conventional? Showcase which one
  2. Based on your career interest evaluation, what 3 Career Clusters are you most suited for? Display all three as a grahic
  3. Learn more about your 3 listed clusters – read the descriptions – what does each say about the fields you may be interested in? Write a short description for each and display under each graphic
  4. Find three types of jobs (click the link on the left-hand side) that you may enjoy and could actually participate in as an intern in each area (this eliminates bartending, etc.). Display each job as a graphic, and include the job title and a sentence describing the job
  5. Find the average salary for each job and display for each
  6. Showcase your FAVORITE job – the one that really sparks your interest – somehow in the overall grand scheme of your organization of the content

Design Parameters

  1. Size: 8.5 inches x 11 inches | 300 resolution
  2. 1/4 bleed
  3. Heading 1: Career Interests
  4. Heading 2: For insert Your First and Last Name
  5. Annotate this at the bottom of your doc in small letters: "Survey Results Credited to Wisconsin Technical College
  6. Keep design consistent – color scheme, font, graphics
  7. Use a stroke around text where appropriate (smaller font sizes shouldn't use a stroke)

Save as a .jpg, name the file "careerInterestSurvey" and submit via Dropbox

