
Stick Peeps - Making More Animated GIFs

Each layer in the Photoshop image becomes a frame in the animation.





First - In Photoshop - File>New>400 px by 400 px >resolution 72

Second - draw an image or a stick person (or find a series or images that you can use when you create your stick peeps)


Follow along to create your stick person animated gif!

You will need to draw a new image in each layer to create the animation effect. This is what will create the movement of your stick peep.




You will need to select a specific layer to work on and turn off the visible of the other layers when you are creating your movement



After your drawing manipulations - you need to open up the Photoshop Timeline

Show the Photoshop Timeline (Window>Timeline), and click the button in the middle that says, "Create Frame Animation"



From the Timeline Options Menu, choose "Make Frames from Layers."


From the controls at the bottom of the timeline, decide if the animation will play Once, 3 times or Forever, Click the amount of time you want the peeps to moveand then click the Play button to preview. You can set the time each frame appears at the bottom of the thumbnail. (You can set them all at once if you hold down SHIFT to select them all, and then change any one.)


Click Save... and select a destination for your animated GIF file.