Funny Papers

Understanding Editorial Cartoons

“A good editorial cartoonist can produce smiles at the nation’s breakfast tables and, at the same time, screams around the White House. That’s the point of cartooning: to tickle those who agree with you, torture those who don’t, and maybe sway the remainder.”

– Newseum web site introduction to David Horsey exhibit

Editorial cartoons tell a story using cartoons, literary elements (irony, symbolism, satire) to convey the feelings of the people in a clever, concise manner. Your job today is to interpret the message the author/editorial cartoonist is conveying, describe and discuss the message, pull out the literary element(s) and discuss the quality of the cartoon.

Then, you will create your own editorial cartoon.


What You Need to Do


Set Up EACH Cartoon in the Following Manner

Cartoon image goes here

Cartoonist Name

Paper where published - should be in the cartoon or you may need to look up the cartoonist online to see Title of the Cartoon- you make this up Subject

Main Idea

Explain what the cartoon means to you (might be New Tax Bill, Iranian Conflict, the New Year, Social Media, etc.).

  • This should be at least 2 sentences and should show that you understand what the cartoon is about
  • you should support this with expert testimony that you find online - ie - According to ...Your info will go in this box

Symbolism - Irony - Satire or...

Describe your examples (it might have both Irony and Satire - they always have some sort of symbolism - that info goes here

5 W's

Who - What - Where - When - Why - describe the individuals in the cartoon, etc. (ie - Trump, Mueller, Jerusalem, Seoul, etc...

Overall Opinion/Interpretation of Editorial Cartoon

So what do you think - was it well done? Describe your overall opinion here - use a minimum of 2 sentences


Main idea – The main idea is not usually stated in words. It is communicated through the drawing.

Symbolism – A symbol is anything that stands for or represents something else.

Irony – Irony is the contrast between what is stated and what is meant, or between what is expected to happen and what actually happens.

Satire – Satire is writing that ridicules or criticizes individuals, ideas, institutions, social conventions, or other works of art or literature.


Now, it's your turn

After you complete your editorial cartoon interpretation, you will make your own editorial cartoon:


Save this assignment as Funny Papers in your 2nd Tri folder - when finished upload your Funny Papers doc (three editorial cartoons in the one Word doc) to our Synergy Dropbox.