BIS Exhibition Night 2019

March 5th, 2019 | 5:00-8:00 PM

Attendance Required – bring a loved one, family member, or a friend NOT from this class

What to Present

The theme of your presentation is your "Personal Brand."

  1. Careers Unit
  2. Internship Experience
  3. College and Career
  4. Combo Package

How to Present

You will use Adobe XD to create a prototype website to showcase your "Personal Brand"

What is required:

  1. A unique logo you design – aka – design your personal brand
  2. A header with a nav system – logo goes in here
  3. Nav menu can either be the "hamburger" menu we used in the World Religions project or a more conventional nav menu laid out with horizontal text
  4. A footer with your name and copyright info, i.e., John Smith © 2019
  5. 4-5 pages – each page must build or represent some part of your Personal Brand
  6. Balance images and text – don't have too much of one and not the other

When You Present

Sell your Personal Brand. Think of this as one gigantic "Tell Me About Yourself" pitch. What we don't want to hear is this: "So this is the careers unit we did in Sinks' class. We had to write a cover letter, as you can see here. I had to re-write this like 4 times. If you click here, this is my resume." And so on.

Instead, talk about your professional writing skills. Talk about your work experience and technology skills. Talk about your internship experience in the way that you wrote your Internship Narrative. Relate your post-secondary education goals as your plan and how it fits in with your overall career goals.