Outliers: BIS Collector's Edition Packaging Back

On the back of any action figure toy, you'll either find additional information about that particular action figure, or you'll find additional advertising for other action figures. We're going to use the back of our action figure packaging to market your particular outlier.

GI Joe Packaging Back

Content Requirements

  1. An image of your Outlier – preferably one that is the same or similar image to the one used on the front
  2. Optional – add additional Outlier images from other outliers in the class, for example, "Collect All Four!"
  3. An "Outlier" logo
  4. A slogon or catch phrase. For example, "A real life success hero" or "Success above and beyond" – something like captures the essence of what it means to be an outlier
  5. Outlier Intro Paragraph – introduce your outlier – think about what makes him/her an outlier – engage the reader, THINK MARKETING – what would sound cool to a kid 7-10 years-old?
  6. Outliers Unite Paragraph – write a paragraph that introduces "Outliers Unite" – what's their mission in the world, who is/are their nemesis(es), what do they believe in?
  7. Optional Series Name – if you want to team up with peeps and create your own sub-series of Outliers make sure you highlight this and add to your description – see above example "Spytroops" and "Switch Gears"
  8. BIS Logo – at the bottom with a copyright symbol ©, the year 2016, created by "your name", the BIS address – 655 N. Third Street Central Point, OR 97502
  9. Also add "MADE IN BIS" under the address and copyright info