"Workplace expectations"


Class Rules



NO GAMES - EVER! Not on the computer and especailly not on your phone!


Cell Phone Distractions

Many work places and colleges this have a no cell phone policy. Please respect the teacher, the school, and other students by turtling you phone (placing you phone face down on your desk), putting it in your backpack, or in your pocket. If a cell phone becomes a distraction to you or others, you may be asked to leave it on the teachers desk.


Class time

At the request of the aministration you will not be allowed to leave the 1st 15 or the last 15 minutes of class. The administration has also stressed that they would rather students did not leave the classroom if at all possible.  If you need to leave the room you need to follow the correct procedure. 


If you need to leave class:

1)     Ask permission

2)       Get a filled out and signed pass if it is appropriate

3)       Go alone


If you need to go to the Student Health Center:

1)     Ask permission

2)       Get a filled out and signed Health Center Pass or they won't let you in.


Special Emphasis


Your cell phone is not the keeper of official school time, we opperate off the school time and bells.

Do not let your cell phone become a distraction

Stay in the room unless you have permission.

Profanity will not be tolerated.

Throwing and horseplay is not acceptable.

Do not tamper with anyone elses computer

Stay out of the CSB room

Ask before you go to C-Mart .

Stealing is not acceptable.

Vandalism is not acceptable.

Clean up after yourself.

Stay away from the door, do not gather at the door before the bell rings.

Stay out of other people’s portfolios, files, and projects.

Harassment in any form will not be tolerated and will be dealt with by the office.

All school attendance rules are observed.

Do not send your work to others so they can turn it in for credit, this is cheating!