Click the appropriate navigation option to view this week's agenda. BIS students looking to be organized and more efficient might find it useful to bookmark this page in your preferred browser.




Upcoming Events

  1. Tuesday, Sept 10, 17, 24 and Oct 1, 8 - Practice from 4 - 5:30
  2. Club Fair - Friday, September 13 at lunch in the courtyard (who can work booth)
  3. CESPN - anyone? Cmart
  4. Recruiting other members?
  5. Rogan advisor meeting in Portland - Thursday, Sept. 26
  6. DECA Boot Camp - Tuesday, Oct. 15 at Crater - 4 - 6:30 (leave for Portland after BC - stay in Salem?)
  7. Jordan Brand - Wednesday, Oct.16 - small group
  8. DECA Districts - Tuesday, Oct. 22 at OIT

September 10 - Practice

  1. Intro self - goal for DECA (note card)
  2. - join the DECA quizlet - thanks Carmel DECA
    1. Play the match game - click match
  3. Create a poster of the Marketing Mix
    1. The 4 Ps or Marketing Mix
      4 aspects of marketing for a specific product/line of products: Product(what it is/features and benefits), Place (where you sell), Price (how much you will charge), Promotion (how you will promote the product)
  4. Intro Role Play -

September 17 - Practice-

  1. Jordan Brand handouts - student form - itinerary is on form
  2. Discuss the DECA garage sale - DECA Member help sort items - also $2 buttons
  3. Show the video on FIDM - DECA’s Challenges are an excellent way to engage your students right from your classroom. The FIDM Entrepreneur of Tomorrow Challenge asks students to create an entrepreneurial proposal for a new product idea for a specific market segment. Participants can now pitch a new clothing, beauty, home, health, food or entertainment concept in a video presentation describing the target market, product offering, marketing launch strategy and more.  Check it out here:
  4. Role Plays -
    1. HTDM - Team -
    2. Food Marketing

september 24 - practice


october 1 - Practice

  1. Register for Districts - Jan. 30 - 4:00 to 7:00 - Retail, Apparel, Sports/Ent, Hotel or Travel/Tour Team
  2. State Events - All events listed on - link to Oregon DECA state events schedule
  3. Knowledge Matters - Personal Finance - Register for a team and begin sim
  4. Book Reading - Best Marketing/Leadership Books
    1. Best Marketing Books of 2018
    2. Best Social Media Marketing Books of 201
      • Research and choose a book that you would be interested in reading - make recommendations tomorrow - Book title, what it's about, why you would like to read it, how it will benefit you as a competitor

January 15

  1. Knowledge Matters - Personal Finance

January 16

DECA Practice after school

  1. Announcements:
    1. Register for Districts - Jan. 30 - 4:00 to 7:00 - Retail, Apparel, Sports/Ent, Hotel or Travel/Tour Team
    2. Sign up for State Events (if you are attending)
    3. Take$ Challenge
    4. Due tomorrow if going to state:
  2. Practice Activities:
    1. Article: It's a process: how to create and execute your marketing strategies - great article for teams and individual to decide how to create the marketing strategy in their role play
    2. Testing - Test 1161 - questions 85 to 100
    3. Role Play - ETDM - working in groups you will have 45 minutes to use info from above article, the role play to create some cool POS (one must be an 11 by 17 - poster or similar) and present to the entire group (each group will present).

January 17

  1. Knowledge Matters - Personal Finance

January 18

DECA Practice after school

  1. No class due to BISembly
  2. Announcements:
    1. Register for Districts - Jan. 30 - 4:00 to 7:00 - Retail, Apparel, Sports/Ent, Hotel or Travel/Tour Team - Signed up as of 1/17 - Abgail, Matt, Martin, Andrew, Lily, Emme
    2. Sign up for State Events - signed up as of 1/17 - JC, Hannah, Matt, Andrew
    3. Take$ Challenge
      1. Due Tuesday during 4th period of CSB - Bring your $ (I will call you out of class Martin, Ally):
  3. Practice Activities:
    1. Article: Domino's Pizza app must be accessible to blind people - important to make sure everyone has the opportunity to use your technoloby in their role play
    2. Testing - Test 1161 - questions 68 to 84
    3. Role Play - ETDM - working in groups you will have 45 minutes to use info from above article, the role play to create some cool POS (one must be an 11 by 17 - poster or similar) and present to the entire group (each group will present).



January 21

  1. No School - Dr. Martin Luther King Day

January 22

  1. Martin - study Quizlet

January 23

DECA Practice after school

  1. No class
  2. Register for Districts - Jan. 30 - 4:00 to 7:00 - Retail, Apparel, Sports/Ent, Hotel or Travel/Tour Team - Signed up as of 1/17 - Abgail, Matt, Martin, Andrew, Lily, Emme
  3. Sign up for State Events - signed up as of 1/23 - JC, Hannah, Matt, Andrew, Brooklyn, Brody - others are partially signed up
  4. Performance Indicator Work:
    1. Go to - “Competitive Events.”
    2. Scroll down to “Competitive Events by Category” and find an event you will participate in at state.
    3. Click on “Performance Indicators.” Print the document.
    4. Get the Exam Blueprints from Rogan
    5. On your printed Performance Indicators doc, circle and list the number of test
      questions from the Association test that are in each of the Instructional Areas. Also,
      highlight the Instructional Areas and Performance Indicators that you identified on the Blueprint. The highlighted areas represent the content which you should focus study
    6. Within the area that has the most questions on your state test, pick two PI's that you are not completely familiar with - look them up online for more detail as you will be presenting them to the team shortly (you will also do a poster/handout on each to showcase understanding).
  5. With time - Role play - Marketing Communication

January 24

  1. Matt - Andrew - Martin - take this Marketing Test (I gave Mr. Sinks your copies)
  2. Do at least 50 questions today - grade tonight and we will do 50 tomorrow in class

January 25

DECA Practice after school

  1. Matt - Andrew - Martin - finish this Marketing Test (bring your copies to class)
  2. Do 50 and let's grade - next steps is the highlighting

Practice items - tests and keys for each student going to state to take home this weekend and bring back
graded and all questions highlighted (areas that need greater understanding)



January 28

  1. No School - Teacher Inservice

January 29

  1. More role plays! Marketing Communication

January 30

Districts at South Medford after school until 7ish

  1. No class

January 31

  1. New Test - Marketing Exam # - Do first 50 questions

february 1

  1. Marketing Test #

february 12

february 13

  1. No class

february 14

  1. Auto Role Play - Andrew and Matt - Retail - Martin

february 15

  1. Marketing Management Team Role Play - Andrew and Matt - Marketing Communication- Martin
  2. Entrepreneurship Team for JC and Hannah for podcast

ROAD2ICDC - #beDECAEpic #TeamNashville

DECA Poster 2014-2015 DECA Poster 2015 - 2016

March 3 - Intro - Finances-$150 Deposit by March 10/Action Plan with dates/Practice Dates/Other - Mazatlan - TeamRoad2ICDC4 - Role Plays - MTDM - HTDM

Homework - Road2ICDC3 Road2ICDC5 Road2ICDC6

March 8 - Marketing for the Year You Live In - Gary Vaynerchuk - Modern Integrated Supply Chains ASU

Road2ICDC7and8 - MTDM - HTDM

March 15 - HTDM - MTDM - Kahoot Challenge - 7 Game Changers in Mktg 2016

March 29 - Channel Management PPT(Teach) - Letter Campaign/fundraising Testing

DECA Practice

Tuesday - November 3rd

Team Up Activity

Marketing Core 1 and 2 from Hardin High in Kentucky (Thanks Hardin!)

Role Play - Team - SMDM - 20 minute prep and present

Tuesday - November 10th - we are tie-dying at 5:00


January 15, 2018

  1. No School - Dr. Martin Luther King Day

January 16, 2018

  1. Note Cards - What is DECA? – Hopes (for class and for future) – List one Product you identify (represents you) with and why – my question – what does this product say about you? Feature/Benefit - Turn in to Rogan
  2. In teams – We need a short descriptor of the events at OLI - Include event, potential topics, etc. You have 15 minutes ->high school>competitive events
  3. Restaurant Food Service Management Hotel and Lodging Marketing Series (HLM)Travel Tourism Team Decision Making
  4. Book Reading - Pick the best marketing book (19 best top  of 17)

January 17, 2018

DECA Practice after school

  1. No class

January 18, 2018

  1. No class due to BISembly

January 19, 2018

  1. Discuss the different events and choose our book



January 22, 2018

  1. Prep on role plays - Auto | Andrew, Quick Serve | Sabrina, Apparel | Morgan (absent) + Danielle | Entrepreneur Team | Hannah & JC
  2. Role play - Danielle and Sabrina

January 23, 2018

  1. DECA - Cards
  2. Role play - Andrew, Hannah and JC
  3. Morgan prep
  4. Test Taking

January 24, 2018

DECA Practice after school - 4 to 6

  1. No class

January 25, 2018


  1. Role Play - Morgan - Sabrina - Hannah
  2. Intro to our books - read Intro and Chapter 1 - pick out 3 things that stood out to you that you will share tomorrow

January 26, 2018

  1. Discuss our book
  2. More role plays! Marketing Communication
  3. Reading homework- Read chapters 2 and 3 by Thursday.
    1. Read - Highlight - Margin Note each chapter
    2. Come up with 2 questions from each chapter that you are curious about from what you read.
    3. Come up with 2 interesting tidbits from each chapter that you can share with our class.
    4. Do the questions and tidbits in a Word Doc - save as NO_Chap2_3
    5. Bring to class on Thursday



January 29, 2018

  1. No School - Teacher Inservice

January 30, 2018

  1. DECA Winter Districts at OIT
  2. Hobson will be here for Rogan - student here will Role Play prep and present to Ms. H for a grade
  3. Morgan - Apparel and Accesories (printed out for you and left on Sue's Desk)- 10 minute prep - present to Judge Jill - give feedback and share that with Rogan

January 31, 2018

  1. No class

February 1, 2018

  1. Discuss Non-Obvious Chapters 2 and 3 - students will show off their books, hand in their questions and tidbits
  2. Presenting Big Terms

february 2, 2018

  1. Discuss book, grade 25 questions from Marketing test, come up with words that are difficult



february 5, 2018

  1. Questions for Author due
  2. Students score test
  3. Research Terms (come up with Team Strategy and fill in

february 6, 2018

february 7, 2018- DECA Practice

  1. No class

february 8, 2018

february 9, 2018 - On to state tomorrow!!


february 12, 2018

  1. At State - Mini Awards

february 13, 2018

  1. At State - Grand Awards

february 14, 2018

  1. No class

february 15, 2018

  1. Rogan gone

february 16, 2018

  1. Rogan gone

ROAD2ICDC - #beDECAEpic #TeamNashville

DECA Poster 2014-2015 DECA Poster 2015 - 2016

March 3 - Intro - Finances-$150 Deposit by March 10/Action Plan with dates/Practice Dates/Other - Mazatlan - TeamRoad2ICDC4 - Role Plays - MTDM - HTDM

Homework - Road2ICDC3 Road2ICDC5 Road2ICDC6

March 8 - Marketing for the Year You Live In - Gary Vaynerchuk - Modern Integrated Supply Chains ASU

Road2ICDC7and8 - MTDM - HTDM

March 15 - HTDM - MTDM - Kahoot Challenge - 7 Game Changers in Mktg 2016

March 29 - Channel Management PPT(Teach) - Letter Campaign/fundraising Testing

DECA Practice

Tuesday - November 3rd

Team Up Activity

Marketing Core 1 and 2 from Hardin High in Kentucky (Thanks Hardin!)

Role Play - Team - SMDM - 20 minute prep and present

Tuesday - November 10th - we are tie-dying at 5:00

Marketing Core 3 and 4 from Hardin High in Kentucky (Thanks Hardin!)

Do this Human Resources role play ( time yourself for 10 minutes) and watch this corresponding video from DECA Inc

Tuesday - December 8th

Marketing Core 5 and 6- Role Play - MMS - Trainer Pro

Thank you notes - sign up for KCC next Week - Tuesday all day

Officers - who is interested? President - Exec Vice President - VP Communications - VP Public Relations

Remember we are going to KCC next Tuesday!!

Tuesday - DEC. 15

  1. KCC Competition - make sure to get your registration in to Rogan by Friday, Dec. 11
  2. We will leave at 7:00 am sharp - Bring 2 sharpened pencils and look sharp

January Practice



January 6, 2016

  1. Test and Vocab (groups)
  2. Marketing Core 7 and 8 -
  3. Role Play - MMS - Club Jubilee

January 7, 2016

  1. Meeting at lunch to discuss state and poster project (major fund raiser)

January 13 - DECA Mini Districts

  1. Retail Role Play - Cabana Floral
  2. SEM Role Play - Big Bears
  3. Marketing Management Role Play - Espresso Rewind
  4. 100 question test

Week 4


January 19 - Practice

Upcoming - South on Feb. 3 and Phoenix on Feb. 10

  1. Reminders - State - Poster Update
  2. Go over Test - looking up what you missed. Those that didn't attend Mini District - you will take test so we can see your score
  3. Marketing Core 9 and 10
  4. Role Play - AAM - Twin Peaks
  5. Reminder that $75 Deposit is due for State this Friday


DECA Districts at South Tomorrow

February 2 - Practice


Role Play in groups - Horizon - Hospitality Team

Week 5

October 3, 2016

  1. Note Cards - What is DECA - Hopes - Product they identify with - what can we do - Zack
  2. Role Play from Principles from DECA Web Site - Info Management

October 4, 2016

  1. Role Play from Principles from DECA Web Site - Info Management

October 5, 2016

  1. No Mini

October 6, 2016

  1. In teams - you will write a short presentation of each of the competitive events that are available for competition at OIT on Oct. 25 - Include event, potential topics, etc. You have 15 minutes ->high school>competitive events
  2. Event Member 1 Member 2 Member 3
    Marketing Communication Team Decision
    Retail Merchandising Josh JC
    Apparel and Accessories Emme Hannah
    Quick Serve Restaurant Management Braden
    Food Marketing Seth
  3. Present your info to our class today
  4. Read DECA Direct - you will do a 1 minute review on it tomorrow in class (article, suggestions, overall, etc.)
  5. Notebook of terminology

October 7, 2016

Week 6

October 10, 2016

  1. Impromptu Topics
  2. Sign up for districts
  3. WRLC ?
  4. Idea time - Cmart and Swag

October 11, 2016

  1. Store clean up

October 12, 2016

  1. No class on Wednesday

October 13, 2016

  1. Role Play on Pizza Cards
  2. 10 q test
  3. Kahoot

October 14, 2016

  1. No School
  2. DECA Practice at 11:00 to 12:30
  3. VB Madness and Powder Puff Helpers

Week 7

October 17, 2016

OIT Forms due this week - Wednesday to Rogan

VB Madness Tonight - who is helping? PPuff Wednesday - who is helping

  1. No class today - assembly
  2. Virtual Business - Go over with each - look at student logins - Write up
  3. Virtual Business Challenge begins next Monday

October 18, 2016

Powder Puff Sign ups - Need 5 gate - Chain gang - Score board

  1. Powder Puff Sign Ups:
    1. Gate - Madison T - Andrew D - Matt K
    2. Chain Gang -
    3. Score booth -
  2. Impromptu Topics-
  3. Virtual Business - Let's get a year in the books! I want to see someone from our chapter ranked!

October 19, 2016

Powder Puff Game!

  1. No Class

October 20, 2016

  1. Ms. Noon will be my sub - I am at SOU at a conference
  2. You will watch a Marketing Management Role Play
    1. Watch the Series A Role play -as a class - get a notecard > Write your name on it -
      1. as you watching - make notes of positives from the role play - good ideas, surprises, etc.
      2. Also write down what you thought of the competitor - was the role play well done? Were the ideas well thought out? realistic? doable? etc.
      3. After the video - have a group discussion about the role play -
  3. Sign up for one of the events on the DECA competition at Knowledge Matters Virtual Business

October 21, 2016

  1. Please check in with Mr. Sinks for both Thursday and Friday of this week in the big side of the Tech Center – he will have our attendance sheet.
  2. You will be doing the following on the 2 days:
  3. Virtual Business Challenge – you need to finish and update a minimum of 2x each day on the VB site – I will check your status online at the Knowledge Matters website
  4. Quia DECA Marketing Test – this is 75 multiple question test and you can save and reopen – I want you to have it finished by the end of class on Friday (if you work hard and do not finish in class, then definitely finish over the weekend. Password is epic
    Your login to quiz will be sent in a separate email
  5. Remember we are going to OIT on Tuesday - be here at 6:45 - front of BIS Office- we leave at 7:00!
  6. Principles of Marketing Role Play - watch the video and then and prep/discuss - then watch - score

Week 8

October 26, 2016

  1. Remember we are going to OIT on Tuesday - be here at 6:45 - front of BIS Office- we leave at 7:00!
  2. Practice Note Sheets for your specific role play tomorrow

October 27, 2016

  1. OIT District Competition - we should all be there bringing home ribbons!
  2. Dave and Cole - Do practice note sheets (include a graphic/handout your would want to use in your role play for Automotive Marketing and turn in to Mr. Sinks by the end of class.

October 28, 2016

  1. No Class
  2. Need to get peoples numbers on my Google sheet for DECA
  3. – you need to finish and update a minimum of 2x each day on the VB site – I will check your status online at the Knowledge Matters website
  4. Quia DECA Marketing Test – this is 75 multiple question test and you can save and reopen – I want you to have it finished by the end of class on Friday (if you work hard and do not finish in class, then definitely finish over the weekend. Password is epic
    Your login to quiz will be sent in a separate email

October 29, 2016

  1. November DECA Challenge
  2. Team Role Play - All Sports (3 teams)- draw for presentation order tomorrow
    1. Team - Zack, Frank, Emme, Alex
    2. Team - Kayliana - Trenton- Seth
    3. Team - Sammie - Austin - Braden
  3. Great Ideas for DECA (thanks Kayliana for typing up!!)

October 30, 2016

  1. DECA Direct - go over and round up
  2. Virtual Business Challenge - Go over teams - play 1st round (some have not signed up)
  3. November is #DECAMonth


Week 9

October 31, 2016

  1. DECA Direct with Ms. Noon

November 1, 2016

SEATTLE People - Meeting on Thursday at lunch

  1. DECA Direct - go over and round up
  2. Virtual Business Challenge - Go over teams - play 1st round (some have not signed up)
  3. November is #DECAMonth

November 2, 2016

  1. No Class

November 3, 2016


  1. Clean Wall
  2. Introduction to Written Events
  3. Virtual Business Challenge

November 4, 2016

  1. Impromptu - Who?
  2. Virtual Business Challenge - finish a year!!

Week 11

November 11, 2013

Veteran's Day – No school

November 12, 2013

November 13, 2013

November 14, 2013

November 15, 2013

Week 12

November 18, 2013

November 19, 2013

November 20, 2013

November 21, 2013

End of Trimester 1

November 22, 2013

Professional Development – No school

Fall Conferences

November 25 – 27, 2013

Thanksgiving Holiday

November 28 – 29, 2013